Increase your beauty salon revenue & awareness
Easy-to-use free salon management software FeeL brings you new clients, improves their experience, and automates administrator work
Marketplace advantages
Increase online visibility
Thousands of target clients will find and review your salon profile page in beauty marketplace inside FeeL
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Attract new clients
FeeL promotes your salon across all ad channels to get you discovered and provide new clients
New client fee: -20%
Improve client experience and retention
Keep clients happy and encourage them to book an appointment again. We provide online payments, cashback, reminders, discounts, and much more
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Free FeeL CRM
3 applications in 1
  • Complete control of salon operations on your smartphone
  • One app for the administrator/owner, salon employees, and clients
How to get started
Sign up and fill in salon profile
By yourself or with the help of our specialist add salon info and logo, services and prices, employees, and portfolio
Schedule synchronization
If necessary, synchronize the schedule of employees from your current CRM system. Otherwise, use FeeL CRM schedule
Connect online payments acceptance
Enable online payments to provide clients with the most convenient way to pay for your services. Once an appointment is completed, the client will be charged automatically
Wait for the first new client appointment
Be active to be at the top of the list in your city and attract the maximum number of people
Tips to attract new clients
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In beauty, clients choose with their eyes! Create a profile with a beautiful portfolio, eye-catching interior photos, and a logo
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Reviews are the key! A few honest reviews from other people greatly increase client's loyalty when choosing a new salon
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Be active! Publish advertising and promotional announcements or just a post about your salon in the beauty feed and increase your reach
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Stand out! Use FeeL, get on the main page in the top salons of the week in your city, and become visible to everyone!